About Me
Frontend Developer with over 15 years of experience, building websites and web apps. Primarily work with HTML/CSS/JS and Wordpress as a CMS.
Astro will fundamentally change the way that we build websites.
Wordpress is still the best way to spin up a client website. It is still the easiest way to build a complete web marketing solution for client users to keep updated.
I build every website from scratch, and build custom Wordpress plugins by hand.
I believe that the most important aspect of web development is UI and UX.
Favorite FoodKimchi Beef Tacos
Most Scared of:Zombie Apocalypse, Alien Invasion and Internet Explorer
Prized Item on My DeskReplica 2019 Toronto Raptors Championship Ring
Favourite AuthorMichael Connelly
Favourite Movie(s)13th Warrior and Inception
You need to know that
- I have driven across Canada to Vancouver Island from Toronto. It took about a week with frequent stops, and I would absolutely do it again.
- I really don't like being late.
Website Improvments
- Search
- Displaying Content Collection Categories