Astro Repo

Astro Content Collections

3 min read

Organizing Blog Posts

The biggest change from blogging in a CMS like Wordpress and moving to Astro, is that you have to keep all of your own blog posts organized.

I like to add the date in YYYYMMDD- to the beginning of every file, that corresponds to pubDate, as it keeps everything in the folder in a chronologic order (although the oldest will be on top) especially as you add more posts. (which you definitely will do, right?).

Include slug: "post-slug" to every frontmatter

  • update the YYYYMMDD when you update pubdate
  • keep the url pretty

The Slug

The frontmatter variable: slug does not need to be added to z in defineCollection().

Slug examples

slug: "hyphens-freaking-everywhere"


slug: "you/can/use/a/frontslash"

I believe you need to make sure that the astro file is [...slug].astro. I don’t know if it works with [slug].astro. It doesn’t work with [slug].astro.

Excluding Files from Astro Build

You can filter out draft content in Astro using draft: true.

// Example: Filter out content entries with `draft: true` only when building for production
import { getCollection } from 'astro:content';
const blogEntries = await getCollection('blog', ({ data }) => {
  return import.meta.env.PROD ? data.draft !== true : true;

The Easier Way IMO

By adding a _ to the beginning of the filename (ex: _20240103-my-blog-post.mdx) Astro will ignore these files in the build. It’s also a good way to visually see in VS Code which posts I’m still working on.

This also works on pages src/pages/page/_page.astro and folders src/pages/_page/index.astro.